Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday was a day off from school in one of our local school districts. We sit on the border of two districts. Literally 2 blocks away, and we are in the other district. It doesn't matter, because we homeschool, but it makes neighborhoods a little weird.

But one of the districts was off, and Kiddo's friend M lives in that district. M is the son of my friend A, who works part time in the same district. Because they were both off for the day, they invited us over for a play date and conversation.

It was a great day. My plan was to go over for a couple of hours in the morning, and be home for lunch. After lunch, we would do our school work. Perfect.

One catch. The kids were playing so well together. It isn't always easy when you get kids together and 2 are the same age, and the other is younger (and a girl!). But it was great. M and Kiddo included Kutey in their play. Kutey followed along and didn't complain. Kutey's only complaint was hunger. I swear, I feed her. But she is always hungry! A offered to make lunch. The kids wanted to stay. Hubby works late on Monday's. It was a perfect storm. So we stayed. And stayed. There was only 1 moment of trauma. It wasn't big. Kutey was embarrassed because she took something apart the M didn't want her to. M was frustrated. We managed to work through it, though, and all was well. But Kutey was determined at that moment that we were going home. I am very glad we didn't. Lots of good conversation for A and I. Lots of great Harry Potter and LEGO play for Kiddo and M (and Kutey.)

It was totally worth getting off our school schedule. Especially since A and M will be in Ireland(!) for 10 weeks(!) this summer. Not that I am jealous or anything (so totally jealous!)

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