Monday, May 3, 2010

Fire Station Field Trip

Field TripsWhen I was in elementary school, I remember going to our local fire station for a tour. It was one of the best field trips I recall. I don't remember climbing around in the trucks or anything like that (we probably did, I just don't remember it) but I remember standing in the station looking at the trucks. Maybe it is because it was one of the first field trips I had ever been on (I am pretty sure it was kindergarten).

Given that memory, I was thrilled when the opportunity came up to tour our local fire station, on a day and at a time when we were available! It was a great morning. The fire inspector talked a bit about safety, the importance of smoke detectors and an escape plan, then gave us a tour of the building.

Field TripsThe best part, though, was the truck bay. The kids loved it. They got to climb in and out of all of the trucks. The only condition was that they not push any buttons. I am not sure what button they would have pushed, the choices were overwhelming. There is no way I could ever remember what all those buttons did. Good thing I am not a firefighter, huh!

The one downside of the whole outing was that we went with a large group of people who we did not know. And it was a really big group of preschoolers. That aside, it was still great fun. The kids came away with a plastic fireman's hat, a coloring book, and the idea that they should have, and practice, an escape plan. And hopefully some fond memories of climbing around in some fire trucks!

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