Monday, June 22, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday--Copy Cat

muffin tin MondayToday's Muffin Tin Monday theme was Copy Cat. The idea was to make a copy of a favorite Muffin Tin Monday meal someone else had made and posted. There are soooooo many good meals out there, how can one keep it to just one?!?! So I didn't. I took pieces of many different meals and made tins full of "creatures." It took me FOREVER to put this together, but the kids loved it.
muffin tin Monday

The upper left corner is a strawberry mouse, copied from Her Cup Overfloweth's Hickory Dickory Dock Muffin Tin
The upper right corner is worms in dirt, copied from Learning Together's pond life themed tin
The lower left corner is a peanut butter bread teddy bear and bunny copied from This Little Project's Teddie Bear Picnic (not a muffin tin, but fun none-the-less).
The lower right corner is a ladybug apple, copied from Her Cup Overfloweth, and another tin, but I can't remember where I saw it!
We also had pretzel sticks/peanut butter/goldfish crackers for fishing, again copied from Her Cup Overfloweth, among others.

Though I barely scratched the surface for tins when I was looking, there are a few of other tins I found that I want to copy, too.
A Bit of This and a Bit of That has a great Three Pigs tin,
Giggles Galore has an awesome Beach Themed tin, and
I'd like to to try all of Learning Together's Pond Life themed tin (the worms in dirt were fun!)

I'm going to keep looking, too, because those "no theme" days sneak up on me!


Susana said...

I like the way you did all of the indivdual tins differently. Looks like lots of time. They can be time consuming though, can't they:-)! Great job!

Val in the Rose Garden said...

WHAT A GREAT TIN! I bet it took forever... and I also bet that your kids will remember it forever. :) I love that you picked a bunch of different tins and gave them all credit. Great job!


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

wow! look at all that hard work! you did a great job! suprisingly, the worms in dirt look super tasty!! Thanks for joining us!

Bobbi & Noe said...

I'm such a kid but I'm squeeling in cuteness delight!!!!