Ummm...Harry Potter. But I've never really watched SpongeBob, so I'm probably biased. :o)
It's funny you should ask this, since my youngest just discovered Harry Potter and has been devouring the series. The books have mystery, bring up moral issues, and even have a sprinkling of Latin (most of the spells are actually Latin words). So I would definitely say there is a lot to be gleaned from the stories.
Definitely Harry potter. I so dislike sponge bob and yet sometimes Sponge bob has been watched in our house.
I personally just don't get the appeal.
Ummm...Harry Potter. But I've never really watched SpongeBob, so I'm probably biased. :o)
It's funny you should ask this, since my youngest just discovered Harry Potter and has been devouring the series. The books have mystery, bring up moral issues, and even have a sprinkling of Latin (most of the spells are actually Latin words). So I would definitely say there is a lot to be gleaned from the stories.
Peace and Laughter,
Harry Potter. No question.
I do not like Sponge Bob. Not even a little bit.
Ooh, a survey! : )
Harry Potter, hands down. I keep waiting for DD (9.5) to want to pick up the first book, and am really having to hold myself back from nudging!
Even the HP movies, though not as rich as the books, are still preferable to SBSqP, imo.
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