Friday, January 14, 2011

Camping out

Daddy wasn't feeling well the last few days, which for various reasons necessitated a shift from the upstairs to the downstairs for the rest of us. After brainstorming various ways to make it work, I came up with this:


A camp-out in the family room! So much fun. We actually have 3 more tents/forts that we could have put up, these are the smallest 2. The kids each slept in their sleeping bags in their own tents, and I slept in my sleeping bag on the couch (not a good trade for my bed, but better than the floor!). The kids loved it. They do not want to move back to their beds! I highly recommend it for beating back some of those January blues, too. We are longing for spring and camping at this point, so this has been a nice diversion. Maybe tonight I'll build a fire in the fireplace so we can toast marshmallows....mmmmmm, s'mores.

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